Refocus, Reset and Create

I have written quite a few blogs. 

I honestly don’t even know what they are anymore. I basically wrote some words on a document and I enjoyed writing them, but some are stories and some are rants and some are I just don’t know. 

I sat in front of my computer and allowed my inspiration to drive my fingers into the keys creating a beautiful melody of the clickety clack sound when you type fast (yes I think it sounds so cool when you type fast LOL). However, I haven’t been posting blogs recently because I felt like I NEEDED to post them.

I then stopped writing because I hated feeling like I needed to write to maintain a crowd or needing to write to make sure I post so many times a week or month. 

I then asked myself, “Why post if I am not posting because I want to, but because I am trying to please others?!” And I didn’t even know who I was trying to please, which is crazy.

This isn’t the first time this has happened. Especially with social media, there is this pull on you to fit a certain aesthetic or system in order to be “successful”. 

I constantly have to remind myself not to lose sight of my own definition of success.

It’s very easy for other people’s dreams to replace your own and then you accidentally adopt them permanently. For instance, you might just want to design clothes for a small community and then all of sudden you want to design for the entire world and the dream shifts again to being more about “making it big” rather than the actual creation part you were first in love with. 

I do want to be clear though, that I believe there is a difference between wanting to grow your dream vs. your dream becoming ONLY about money and being seen. Of course, everyone wants to be able to live a comfortable life and provide for their family.

However, don’t let money, and fame monopolize your dreams.

Who cares about algorithms, likes and dislikes. Create because you want to create and do whatever makes you happy. Who cares if one event you plan, one song or poem you write might be preferred or disliked more than another party, song or poem you created before. As long as you are feeling like you are growing and doing your best and it’s what you love that is all that matters.

Do not let others determine what is successful for you. 

I hope this helps anyone feeling the tug to create for reasons that don’t actually matter to them to return to creating the way they want to create. 


Refocus, Reset and Create
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Asia Greene-Rhodes

Asia Greene-Rhodes is a writer determined to not be confined by boxes but to live and discover the beauty and passion within and beyond motherhood, fitness, and life.