My Natural Hair Journey


In my senior year of high school, I decided to stop feeding my hair the creamy crack known as relaxers. I watched YouTubers with hair types very different from my own (3B people, lol). I was motivated to embark on my natural hair journey. 

Sunkissabla is a YouTuber I followed and still follow for her holistic natural health ideas and info. During this time, I still straightened my hair multiple times a week.

It wasn’t until my sophomore year of college that I noticed my hair was curly!!! And by curly, I mean about three inches of curls before heat-damaged ends.

 I decided to nurse my hair back to its normal state with deep conditions and only finger detailing once a week. I quickly became a product junkie because I bought any product that I thought would define my curls and bring them back to life.


I didn’t straighten my hair for a year until it became a matter of straightening my hair only to get a trim, which was twice a year. I decided to transition instead of the big chop, and I honestly couldn’t tell you if that was a good idea or a bad idea. It was just an idea.

Fast forward to current times, and I would say my hair is pretty healthy and is a decent length, but I have hit a plateau. I believe part of it is because I no longer have the intense passion for growing my hair out as quickly as possible now.

Of course, other factors play into why my once strong passion isn’t burning so bright. 

  1. I am a mom, and I have been adjusting to my new life. 
  2. The drying process is taking longer and longer.
  3. I hate wet hair, and now that my hair is long enough to touch my shoulders and back, it is annoying.
  4. Wash days can be dreadful because they require energy.



After getting my most recent trim, I realized that my hair seems like it has been at this same length for two-three years now!!! And I know it is because I haven’t been treating it the best. I allow it to get super dry before I finally force myself to wash it, and I don’t get a trim as soon as I probably should.

So I want to try an experiment for three months and see if it will make a difference in my hair or not. I plan on deep conditioning once a month, low manipulation, and refreshing my hair with water. I wear a bonnet at night and will continue to do so, mainly because my son sleeps with us and likes to pull my hair.

My goal has always been healthy hair, and my hair is pretty healthy, but another goal of mine is waist-length hair. I am excited about this journey, and I also don’t want to get trapped in all the “miracle growth” items for purchase LOL so I will just be going back to the basics! 

If you are interested in joining me on this journey to healthy waist-length hair, subscribe to my blog and follow me on social media. Also, if you are about to do a hair journey or are currently on a hair journey, please fill me in on what has been working for you! All links are below.

My Natural Hair Journey