The Benefits of Joining Challenges

The Benefits of Joining Challenges

The Benefits of Joining Challenges

In light of doing the 75 hard challenge, let’s talk about whether or not you should participate in a health and wellness challenge.

The benefits of joining challenges

  1. Something new – Switching up our daily routines with a challenge is good. Trying new workouts, diets, books, genres, etc., allows us to gain new perspectives of the world and ourselves. It is refreshing to see ourselves in a new light. It can also be surprising to unlock new ways of thinking or skill levels we didn’t know we could unlock. Trying new challenges or challenges in general can do this.
  2. Gain a community and sense of accountability – Whenever there is a challenge, there tends to be a community participating. When you join as an individual, you are joining a team with a common goal: to complete the challenge. Having teammates gives you a sense of accountability, especially when you have to check in or post progress.
  3. Motivation – Your teammates can motivate you. The new results you are trying to obtain can inspire you, and having a short-term goal because of the challenge may also encourage you. Either way, when you join challenges, there are many ways to become motivated to obtain goals. At the end of the challenge, it can inspire you to continue living your newly developed lifestyle.
  4. Organized guidelines for you – Challenges come with their own guidelines and rules. So, you do not have to create a guide for your day-to-day activities. However, you still need to devise a plan to execute and follow those rules. In the end, though it is slightly easier than making it all up alone.
  5. Stepping stone or bridge to a new way of living – A short-term challenge is a great stepping stone to kickstart your next season of life in a healthier way. The Longer you commit to a challenge, the more likely the challenge will become not just a stepping stone but a bridge into the new version of yourself that could not imagine life without proper sleep, water intake, diet, and exercise. Challenges can make what was seen as complex your new norm, so you can view yourself positively or have confidence in your newfound skill or abilities.

Keep in mind:

Although there is a high chance of finding benefits in challenges, it is still important to remember not every challenge is safe. Just because many people do it doesn’t mean it is healthy. 

So, what should you do before joining a challenge?

  1. Research: Who is the creator of the challenge? Do they have a degree, license, certification, or experience in the field they are speaking about? Is what they are asking too much? Are there reviews?
  2. Fact Check: Are there other articles, studies, etc., that support what might come up in the challenge?
  3. What is the purpose of the challenge?

How to choose the right challenges for you:

If a challenge isn’t by someone you trust or is too difficult, you can always adjust it or choose a different challenge! No one can force you to do anything.

Whether you plan on challenging yourself through diet, fitness, or spiritual wellness, get out in the sun and give it your all!

The Benefits of Joining Challenges

Asia Greene-Rhodes

Asia Greene-Rhodes is a writer determined to not be confined by boxes but to live and discover the beauty and passion within and beyond motherhood, fitness, and life.