What is the 75 hard challenge

What Is The 75 Hard Challenge?

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Have you heard the chatter on social media about the 75 Hard Challenge? It’s got everyone asking, “What’s the deal with this challenge? Should I give it a shot?” Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of this intriguing challenge.

What Is 75 Hard?


The 75 hard challenge is a testament to your discipline and commitment. It consists of five rules that the individual must follow for 75 days to complete.

What are the rules of 75 hard?

The rules of 75 hard are as follows:

  1. Read 10 pages daily. You may choose any book you want to read from. However, you are encouraged to select a non-fiction self-help book.
  2. Work out twice daily for 45 minutes each session. One workout should be inside and the other outside. 
  3. Follow a Diet Plan. Just like reading and working out, you get to decide the type of diet you will follow. It can be as simple as “avoid sugar” or a mixture of fasting, only having specific food groups and precise portion sizes. If you want to try vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, gluten-free, or whatever, this could be the time to do it.
  4. Drink a Gallon of Water a Day. 
  5. Take a Progress Picture Every Day. This is for your growth tracking. A lot of the time, we get wet on a number, a scale, or the final destination instead of focusing on the progress we make each day! Teaching our daily growth, or lack thereof, is vital to celebrate and improve ourselves.
  6. No Cheat meals or alcohol.

What truly makes 75 hard difficult?


If you do not follow these rules every day for 75 consecutive days, you must start over whenever you fail. You can’t get away with being inconsistent and that is what makes it a challenge.

Choosing realistic diet plans that fit you or a book you are interested in will make you successful. 

What am I doing for the challenge?


For the 75 hard challenge, I will be doing the following:

  1. Drinking a gallon of water
  2. Workouts – my favorite type of shape is track and field shape, as it focuses on the entire body, especially when you are a sprinter. I will have one outside workout that will consist of sprinting, jumping, or some type of running, and then inside will be lifting. 
  3. Reading—For reading, I’ll be reading the Bible, as I feel like this will keep me on a strict deadline without overdoing it. I am a very fast reader, so I will also be reading other books on the side that I enjoy, and I hope to finish 2 to 4.
  4. Diet -Meal prepping!!! I love some sugar and soda, so the objective of this diet is to eliminate juice and sugary drinks, including soda, while also decreasing my sugar intake without junk food and candy. I also want to eliminate fast food to reduce the intake of processed foods. Eventually, one day, I want to completely eliminate ALL processed foods but that wont be happening during this challenge. To help with this process, I plan on meal prepping so that I don’t have to cook day by day.
  5. Measuring growth: I plan on taking progress pictures daily and documenting their journey on my social media. I think I’ll do a quarterly, and halfway checkpoint on the blog to see what’s going well and what’s not.
  6. I don’t drink alcohol,  but I definitely make sure not to take cheat days for diet and water.

The purpose of the 75 Hard Challenge is to practice holistic health. The key is discipline, and to be successful in this challenge, you need to be disciplined, which means making sure you choose relevant and achievable goals for you and where you are at in this season. 


Read about SMART Goals here to understand how to make great goals for this.


If you’re disciplined, the results will eventually come, but they don’t have to be overnight. Having a balanced diet, getting fresh air with your workouts, increasing your knowledge, and improving yourself is crucial to your overall health and well-being.

When should I start the 75 hard challenge?


You can start right now! It is up to you when you want to begin this new chapter of your life. However, here is what you should keep in mind:

  • Do you have your diet laid out for you?
  • Have you planned your workouts or a trainer?
  • What books or books are you going to read?
  • What will your daily schedule look like?

Of course, you do not have to have everything perfectly organized before you start this challenge. But it does make it easier when you lay the proper framework.


I am starting the 75 hard challenge on June 1st! If you would like to join me, follow me on social media to see my progress, tips, and updates. 


Good luck to everyone who is starting this challenge!

What is The 75 Hard Challenge
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Asia Greene-Rhodes

Asia Greene-Rhodes is a writer determined to not be confined by boxes but to live and discover the beauty and passion within and beyond motherhood, fitness, and life.

2 thoughts on “What is The 75 Hard Challenge

  • May 30, 2024 at 5:51 am

    You had me until I seen number 6 and that I have to start over if I don’t follow the rules 😭😭😭😂😂😂 … but look I want to do this !!! I just need to pick the right time… but I love ice cream and candy so what am I gona do 😭

    • May 30, 2024 at 5:52 am

      😂 girl me too!!! I’m getting it out of my house before the 1st so I’m not tempted. We can do this!!!

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