At what point is it time to get professional help? How long must you struggle to achieve your weight, hair, health, passions, or personal goals before you ask for help?
Why You Should See A Professional

At what point is it time to get professional help? How long must you struggle to achieve your weight, hair, health, passions, or personal goals before you ask for help?
Have you ever completed a workout and thought, “Wow, that sucked. That did not go smoothly.” Or maybe you considered how a workout you have done before was tough and you struggled even though you didn’t increase anything. Well, Let’s talk about perfect workouts within fitness.
After many years of trial and error I have perfected my narutally curly hair routine. My curly hair journey restarted when I was a sophomore in college in 2013-2014. Throughout middle school and high school I had been straightening my hair and getting relaxers.
I am twenty eight and I am just now learning to say, “no” more for my own sanity.
It takes a village to raise a child. No one raises a child completely alone. The best way to raise a child is with the help of those you trust with your children.
The joy of motherhood is limitless, but sometimes as moms, we forget to pause and be in the moment. Today I want to stay and enjoy it, so I wrote a short, sweet note to my baby boy.
My fitness journey has been a never-ending cycle of starting and restarting. In other words, I have been inconsistently consistent. I have done sports all my life until I graduated college in 2017. First, I had to learn how to
Addiction to perfection leaves the individual stagnant.
A perfectionism that is so surreal we can only achieve it once in a blue moon can lead to fear of failure and a loss of desire, which stops us in our tracks and we then fail for real.
Hello, my name is Asia and I am a perfectaholic.
But lately, I have been wondering, “Is there room for perfectionism in motherhood? or Marriage? or even in my craft?
For now I want to focus on perfectionism in motherhood.
It is impossible.
I am in the middle of teaching a class while my son is staring into the depths of my soul screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs, and “his father?” you ask. My husband is also in a meeting because we are both working parents and stay at home parents, or at least we are forced to be right now in this pandemic.
Today, I legit stared at lifeless sentences that needed to be cut out, but insisted that I could breathe life into my already dead words. I was so focused on not starting over that I had convinced myself that although my editor had already declared these paragraphs totaled it wasn’t actually that bad and if I could just bandage it up enough it would all be okay.