Joy of motherhood
Joy of motherhood

The joy of motherhood is limitless, but sometimes as moms, we forget to pause and be in the moment. Today I want to stay and enjoy it, so I wrote a short, sweet note to my baby boy.

My heart flutters, my jaw still drops, and my eyes widen with joy when you run into my arms. My brain can’t comprehend why I want time to slow down when you throw your food on the floor after you have finished. I couldn’t possibly fathom that I would think time is moving too fast, but it is.

And I want to enjoy every moment, kiss every booboo, including the fake ones, and hear every sweet giggle.

Today I’m taking time to pause and be in awe of how beautiful you are. How quick your little legs can run and how high you jump. I think you jumped a little higher after you asked me to look the hundred and seventh time, but to be sure, I will again.

Sometimes I feel I love you so much it almost hurts, and I began to panic and fear the worst, but today I want to stay in here at this moment. So here I am staring at you with this goofy smile on my face while fighting back the tears because you are so precious.

Judah, I love you.

Every mom needs this. A time to be in the moment and not worry about what will happen next: we need to pause and bask in the beautiful creation standing in front of us. It’s an excellent way to recenter ourselves.

As I was in this moment of awe today, I enjoyed and reminded myself of the blessings of being a mother.

The Joy of Motherhood
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Asia Greene-Rhodes

Asia Greene-Rhodes is a writer determined to not be confined by boxes but to live and discover the beauty and passion within and beyond motherhood, fitness, and life.