How to Avoid Stagnation in Your Fitness Journey 

How to Avoid Stagnation in Your Fitness Journey

How to Avoid Stagnation in Your Fitness Journey 

How to Avoid Stagnation in Your Fitness Journey 

Like many human beings, you have completed the first three months of the 2024 year, and it is time to readjust the goals you have set for yourself. Whether you set a goal and ultimately failed or completely crushed it, adjusting those goals is vital to continuing on your fitness journey. 

If you failed drastically, you should see if you made a realistic goal. However, for today’s blog, we will focus on whether you did okay with your goal or crushed it and how to continue to move forward.

Here are a few tips to continue to grow on your fitness journey:

  1. Increase the days you work out. If the goal was to work out twice a week and you did it, you should now be shooting 3 to 4 times a week.
  2. Increase the weight you are lifting. If you do not increase the weight you lift, eventually, you will plateau. Your body will get used to the weight and no longer see growth. If you are very consistent when you lift, you should be able to increase your weight every two weeks.
  3. Increase your speed when running or walking. It would help if you increased the speed of whatever cardio or sprint workout you do. It does not have to be a huge jump, but you should be getting faster. Just like lifting weights, you will eventually plateau if you walk at the same speed for life. Something needs to change. You can change the distance or the speed, but it needs to be adjusted.
  4. Start looking holistically at your fitness! How are you eating and drinking? We can all drink more water and eat healthier, especially in America. 
  5. Make specific, achievable goals. Your goals should strive for growth over perfection. Hyperfocusing on perfection will usually fail, but gradual growth and improvement will leave room for mistakes but overall success.

Your fitness is a journey, not a sprint or a marathon because those have endings. With that, I know baby steps are always okay. Whatever you do in your fitness journey, as long as you want to move forward, think of the word increase.

You can increase speed and decrease distance or increase weights and decrease the amount of reps. 

For the next ninety days, focus on your readjusted goals so that you can continue to grow and strengthen!

I am excited to see where I will be physically after the next three months. Also, remember to take some before photos because the growth is happening, even if it is small.

How to Avoid Stagnation in Your Fitness Journey 
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Asia Greene-Rhodes

Asia Greene-Rhodes is a writer determined to not be confined by boxes but to live and discover the beauty and passion within and beyond motherhood, fitness, and life.