When Are You Too Old For Beads?

You are never too old for beads. Never too mature for that swishing sound as you walk around, or add extra bounce to get more of a sway in your braids, but I already knew that. So why do I pose this question?

To remind myself if I wanted to rock blue hair, a clown suit, or jellies (clear jelly sandals) it does not equate to what others may think of me because of what I decide to rock or do, unless I allow it to. And at times I have allowed what others think to get to me. As I get older, I am twenty-six, I find myself hearing more comments like, “If I was your age I would not do…” and then you can feel in the blank.

I believe I, and probably many other individuals, hear these comments for a few reasons. The first reason being that many people project their own insecurities, ideas and their own limitations on others. The second reason is fear. Others fear your potential and what you can do. So when I hear those comments sometimes it can be translated as, “Because I can’t, you can’t,” or “because I didn’t I hope you won’t because then what does that say about me.” It is from selfishness that some of these comments are based.

Then there is the third reason why I hear these comments and that is because of a false sense of “ I’m just looking out for you.” In other words, the individual does not believe they are trying to limit me based on their own insecurities or beliefs, but because they believe they know what is essentially best for me, which is based on their limited knowledge and personal experience. A shorter way to put it is, they think their opinion is fact and should determine my actions.

Although I just ignore comments like this now, there was a time where I allowed such comments to get to me when I would pursue my dreams and someone else would feel the need to critique, or tell me that there was a time limit on my dreams and my passions. I’m glad I’ve moved past that and realized what was going on. With all that being said I do know sometimes I agree with certain individuals’ opinions when they might tell me that I look crazy or weird in a certain outfit but there are only a few people I would take that from and even then I don’t always agree with what they say and that is okay. Those few individuals tend to be my husband and family.

Honestly, at the end of the day if I, or you (the person reading this) want to start rapping when we turn forty-five years old, watch cartoons while eating cereal or wear so many beads that people hear us coming from a mile away then so be it, as long as it makes us happy. If it is what we truly desire then we shouldn’t allow anyone to stop us with their personal opinions.

Thank you for indulging in my thoughts for the day, until next time.

When Are You Too Old For Beads?

Asia Greene-Rhodes

Asia Greene-Rhodes is a writer determined to not be confined by boxes but to live and discover the beauty and passion within and beyond motherhood, fitness, and life.